A New Dan

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Welcome to the second iteration of my personal website.

We’ve come a long way from using Wordpress and school servers to host this gem.

You probably have a few questions so let’s get to it.

Why did you ditch Wordpress?

I wanted something simple and clean that I could run independently. Additionally, this gives me more control over the content I post.

What static site generator are you using?

Hugo, it’s fast and perfect for my simple needs. Pair it with GitHub + Netlify and the whole deployment is very cost efficient.

What happened to X post?

A couple of posts didn’t make the cut. Mainly the Wordpress guides.

What’s new?

We’re now encrypted and hosted at a custom domain. Just 2 more reasons this site improves on the previous iteration. Also, I can now add Amazon affiliate links and review products. This helps me explore the tools I use to be more productive and maintain the site.

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