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CV Maker

CV Applcation written in React JavaScript.
Made with: React
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JS Calculator

A calculator built for the web.
Made with: HTML, CSS & JavaScript
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JS Library

A virtual library program to store the books you've read and those you've been meaning to read.
Made with: HTML, Sass & JavaScript
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JS Tic Tac Toe

A fun tic tac toe game.
Made with: HTML, CSS & JavaScript
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Etch A Sketch

A recreation of a childhood toy.
Made with: HTML, CSS & JavaScript
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JS Rock Paper Scissors

A classic, in video game form.
Made with: HTML, CSS & JavaScript
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Memory Card Game

A Toy Story themed memory card game.
Made with: React
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JS Weather

A simple 1-page web app with OpenWeatherAPI & Giphy API.
Made with: HTML, CSS & JavaScript
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Restaurant Page

A beutifully designed landing page for a fictitious restuarant, built with Webpack.
Made with: Webpack, HTML, CSS & JavaScript